The Importance of Internships: Even as a First Year


In order to get a job you need experience, in order to get experience you need a job. This is a bad deal for anyone entering the workforce fresh out of college because while companies love fresh and innovative minds, they also want someone who actually knows how to do the job that they are hiring for. Internships provide the work experience needed in order to get a job while you are still in school. First years, as a general rule, are not usually hired, however that does not mean that going to an interview is not beneficial. It provides a learning opportunity so for in the future you know what to expect and where you can improve. Not to mention it is a chance to show the company or organization that you are enthusiastic about the position if you choose to apply again in the future, as well as to make a few connections. One of the reasons Cal Poly is considered to be so successful is because of its connections and consistent efforts to promote communication between companies and students. Something to keep in mind is that people like being asked questions, especially if they are hired to go to college campuses to recruit. Just remember that even though they are the ones recruiting that it is up to you to impress them. Applying for internships is not just for upper years, in fact it is better to start now and get ahead of the competition.


One of the most important organizations to know about as an Electrical Engineering major, or as an EE in general is the IEEE. Called I-triple-E in slang, the Institute of Electronics and Engineers is one of the largest organizations for the sciences in general. Though it was formed for Electrical Engineers in 1963 by the merging of two well-known organizations, the AIEE and IRE, it has since expanded to be a resource for members of the Science, Engineering and Business communities’ worldwide. The IEEE has a student faction on most, if not all, colleges where Engineering is an often acknowledged major. Not only that but many EE clubs are a sub-sect of the IEE student branch. Take Cal Poly’s Power and Energy Society and Amateur Radio Club, they each are their own club, dealing with a different aspect of EE, however they are both backed by the IEEE. Most EE professors encourage students to join the organization if nothing else but for the online resources it presents.  It has many articles, papers and other sources of information of the latest technological advancements. Not to mention the connection to businesses looking to hire or internships. The IEEE also puts out a monthly magazine to keep its members updated on the latest advancements and “hot news” in the world of Engineers. As an Electrical Engineering student any and all resources are valuable and the IEEE is one of the most prominent sources of information in the world of EEs. For more information check out the IEEE homepage at:

What is EE as a major?

Electrical Engineering is basically the study and application of anything to do with electricity and electronics. If you Looking into Electrical Engineering as a major be sure to know exactly what it is. There are quite a few EE’s majors who switch over to computer engineering because they like coding more than circuit analysis. That being said, Electrical Engineering is a very broad and diverse field, and is applicable to almost any project.. If you want to focus on power and its generation/ distribution, you may end up working at PG&E. If you want a job at Texas Instruments stick with circuit boards and a lower voltage (for some). Those who focus on Communications deal with radio waves and satellite signals. Electrical Engineers are in high demand as nowadays the skills taught to EE’s are used often in a technology-based world. Just be sure that if you are looking into Electrical Engineering as a major that you enjoyed the electricity portion of your High School physics class.